Feeding from flightaware

I am using a flightaware on a raspberry pi 3b+.
Tried to set up a feed to absd exchange and got the following message, so reporting as suggested for any help or suggestions.
Thank you.

adsbexchange-mlat service couldn’t be started, please report this error to the a dsbexchange forum or discord.
Try an copy as much of the output above and include it in your report, thank you Mar 03 20:09:12 piaware systemd[1]: Started adsbexchange-mlat.
Mar 03 20:09:14 piaware adsbexchange-mlat[12534]: usage: mlat-client [-h]
Mar 03 20:09:14 piaware adsbexchange-mlat[12534]: [–input-ty pe {auto,dump1090,beast,radarcape_12mhz,radarcape_gps,radarcape,sbs,avrmlat}]
Mar 03 20:09:14 piaware adsbexchange-mlat[12534]: --input-con nect INPUT_CONNECT [–results RESULTS]
Mar 03 20:09:14 piaware adsbexchange-mlat[12534]: [–no-anon- results] [–no-modeac-results] --lat LAT --lon
Mar 03 20:09:14 piaware adsbexchange-mlat[12534]: LON --alt A LT [–privacy] --user USER [–server SERVER]
Mar 03 20:09:14 piaware adsbexchange-mlat[12534]: [–no-udp] Try an copy as much of the output above and include it in your report, thank you

Further to above - my feeder stats
ADS-B Connected Feed OK
MLAT Not Found No Feed

I wasn’t able to feed mlat either but when I updated my location it started working. Go figure

Cory, thanks for the reply.
I shifted my position slightly, updated the feed and everything seems to be working.
Thanks again for taking time to reply.

Glad it worked out. I learn something new every day. Wish I could figure out how to feed to ads-b. Network stuff has me baffled.

Hi Rich,

Just for info. When I reset my location to gps settings from original setting, (15 mile difference) MLAT also started working.


Hi Cory,

I shifted the last decimal point by 1 digit still in the garden and going strong - at the moment.
