Specifying a Feed UID

Hello, brand new to feeding but a long-time user of ADSB Exchange. I have seen some very unique feeder names in my area and I would like to setup something similar as I plan to have multiple feeders, with some mobile and some stationary. Is there any method to create my own UID or any requirements for length/etc.? I tried editing the non-existent "/boot/adsbx-uuid” as per another post, but that broke my setup and I had to recreate a new UID from the setup tool. The name I tried was seven letters followed by a “-1”

Any help would be appreciated.


Feeder name and UUID are two different things. The UUID has a specific format, described in RFC 4122 - A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace. You generally shouldn’t need to generate a new UUID, but if you do, you should use one of the tools for the purpose. Feeder name is configured as “Feeder Name for MLAT Map” at http://adsbexchange.local/config/ if you’re using the ADSBx Pi image, or USER in /etc/default/adsbexchange if you’re not. Acceptable characters are alphanumeric, underscore (_) and period (.).

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Thank you! I appreciate the information.