Can't use FR24 port 30334

I tried following the official guide here to feed data from my existing FR24-supplied receiver to ADSB exchange. Feed using data from FR24 supplied receiver · ADSBexchange/wiki Wiki

The problem is that fr24 closed port 30334 a while ago as per: Unable to get feed from FR24 receiver - Flightradar24 Forum

Seems that they left port 30003 open with “basestation” data, but I found nothing regarding this input type:

30003/tcp open  basestation ADS-B flight data

Is there an updated guide on how to do this?

Yes those are very old instructions, just use the ones on the website.

Ok gotcha. The problem is that those instructions asume you can SSH into other providers’ hardware (FR42, Flightaware, etc.) and I don’t think that’s even possible.

So my question is, is sharing ADSB data via using any emitting ports on those devices not possible anymore?

You can try bringing it up on the discord server, lots of smart people there. But unfortunately FR24 does not publish their changes and technically using their hardware to feed others is against their TOS so ADSBx has no control over if they make that possible.

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