Hi I have had the receiver for some weeks now, and I have not managed to get it going.
I made the mistake of installing a client. Apparently I shouldn’t have, So I have started again. I have the ads-b receiver, I cannot find the info on what to do now?
I m getting a little distraught as it is plug and play… But nothing is working. it is all hooked up as per instructions. The three lights are green. I uninstalled the receiver, and I have joined up again…But I am at a loss of what I should be doing. The instructions are not at all clear to me. Please guide me. I did have a network problem, but that is now fixed…
Thank you
Hi Owen. I understand that you’re frustrated, so trying to be gentle but…
What does “not working” mean? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened?
I assume we’re talking about the turnkey feeder here?
You say that you “made the mistake of installing a client”. What does that mean? What exactly did you do?
How did you “start over”?
How did you “uninstall the receiver”?
What does “joined up again” mean?
Hopefully we can give you some guidance if we can get some context…
Hi Dseven,
Thank you for being gentle.
I am in my late 60’s, but have had experience with software that uses radios for Coms, from morse to pics and aso voice using voip before it was available on cell phones.
But I fear that time has taken its toll on me. I have made my share of mistakes, but this one eludes me…
Right from the top.
I received the adsb receiver from plane finder along with the GPS antenna and cable, and the 1090 ariel and cable. And also an ethernet cable.
First problem was what to do next. I read the info and as I run Ubuntu I thought I had to install client software, which I did.
And then I was having a real problem getting the ethernet to work.
After some hair pulling (almost bald when I started ) I found a broken connection Now fixed and all other devices now work ok except the receiver
Also I run everything here with fixed ip address. well I did, but I decided to now have everything on dhcp
I think Dan from plane finder told me that I shouldn’t have installed the client software as it is a plug and play device.
I uninstalled the client and also removed the receiver code I was given.
So now I have created another account and started form scratch.
My account is there, but I need to add a receiver now, but the options don’t seem to make sense
But was told as the receiver is plug and play then I didn’t need it and I should uninstall it from my pc. Which I have done.
Hi Owen,
I’m afraid you appear to be in the wrong forum. Plane Finder is a competitor of ADSBExchange. You probably want https://forum.planefinder.net/forums/ads-b-receivers.12/
If you decide to return that Plane Finder box and join ADSBx instead, see: Turnkey Solutions - ADS-B Exchange
Good luck!
Oops thank you.
Apologies from me
Thank you for the heads up .
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I have the same problem. Wrote in a trouble ticket to technical support with only one email. Asking me what my issue was…but, that was it no follow-up. Disappointed to say the least. I was really looking forward to using this. I will return do to no support. John
I’m confused that “you had the same problem” when it was determined the original poster was actually talking about a competitors product and not ours. Are you saying your issue is also with the competitors product or that you have one of our feeders and are having issues?
We don’t have a support email but you can ask for help with ADSBExchange products here or for more real-time support in our discord server. Official ADS-B Exchange Group