

Managed to get the “BETA Release” installed on the SD Card and running on my “Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3” today, big thank you to all that put it together.

For personal reasons I block on my firewall all Amazon IP’s and when visiting ADSBexchange Anywhere I got "not feeding message, so checked the following:

sudo systemctl status dump978-fa.service
sudo systemctl status tar1090.service
sudo systemctl status tar1090-978.service
sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-stats.service
sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-feed.service
sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-mlat.service
sudo systemctl status readsb.service

and noticed that "feed1.adsbexchange.com " could not be reached and that it’s now hosted on Amazon.

Are you able to make public all the IP ranges, so I could enable these on my FW?

I am checking with engineering on this one. will get back to you.