How To Specify or Change adsbexchange.local port number?

I’d like to change the port number for adsbexchange.local site from 80 to something less commonly used. Where would I find/modify that setting?

Why? “Security by obscurity”? I suppose you could change server.port in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (and systemctl restart lighttpd to make it effective). I can’t think of anything that would break as a result, but I’m not sure it’d be officially supported…

That worked! Thank you very much. Port 80 was already in use by another service. Unfortunately that other service ALSO uses lighttpd so I haven’t really resolved the conflict now. But your help was very useful nevertheless. Thanks again,

It should be possible to move the ADSBx stuff to an additional port (and keep 80 as the default), but it’d be a bit more involved - see /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/95-tar1090-otherport.conf for inspiration. (again, wouldn’t be officially supported by ADSBx)