Log in to feeder map from the same network

Can I see the feeder map from anywhere? Or do i have to be connected to the same network? For example, can I use my mobile phone browser and check the feeder map? When I’m not on the same network. As the ADS -B receiver is.on

Yes from in your network go to http://adsbexchange.com/myip and save the ADSBExchange Anywhere link.

Sorry for my ignorance. But I’m not quite sure how to do that. I’m new to the ADSB stuff And not to computer savvy LOL.

CommGuy, great answer and thanks for the pointer on how to do this.

n4anz, while on your home network, click the link in CommGuy’s reply. This will bring up a page with information. There should be two boxes in the middle of your screen. The one on the right says “Feed Details”. At the bottom of that are two link. You want to copy and save (bookmark) the link on the left titled “ADSBx Anywhere Map”. That is the link that you can use away from your home network to see the map your system is feeding. Hope this helps. Jon

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Got it working, thank you guys for all the help.

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