Seeing 502 Bad Gateway errors on adsbexchange-stats.service logs

Hello, I just setup my Raspberry Pi today for ADSB Exchange. Everything seems to be working fine, but I am noticing 502 Bad Gateway errors in the adsbexchange-stats.service logs. I’m not sure what this service does so wanted to check here to see if this is something I should be worried about. Here is an example of the errors:

Sep 21 16:41:08 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[2747]:
Sep 21 16:41:08 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[2747]:
Sep 21 16:44:59 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[4599]: curl: (28) Connection timed out after 10003 milliseconds
Sep 21 16:44:59 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[2038]: WARNING: curl process returned non-zero (28): ; Sleeping a little extra.
Sep 21 16:49:35 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[7006]:
Sep 21 16:49:35 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[7006]:
Sep 21 16:49:35 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[7006]:
Sep 21 16:49:35 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[7006]:
502 Bad Gateway
Sep 21 16:49:35 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[7006]:
Sep 21 18:28:03 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[25793]:
Sep 21 18:28:03 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[25793]:
Sep 21 19:38:55 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[30319]: curl: (28) Operation timed out after 10004 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
Sep 21 19:38:55 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[2038]: WARNING: curl process returned non-zero (28): ; Sleeping a little extra.
Sep 21 19:49:47 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[3967]:
503 Service Unavailable
Sep 21 19:49:47 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[3967]: No server is available to handle this request.
Sep 21 19:49:47 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[3967]:

Also, after a reboot I’m seeing this:
Sep 21 20:58:08 adsbexchange systemd[1]: Started ADSBexchange Stats.
Sep 21 20:58:08 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[345]: Note: ‘USE_OLD_PATH’ is set.
Sep 21 20:58:08 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[345]: No valid data source directory found, do you have the adsbexchange feed scripts installed? Tried each of: [/run/readsb /run/adsbexchange-feed]
Sep 21 20:58:28 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[345]: Using UUID [xxxx-xxx-xxx-1049b2557d98] for stats uploads
Sep 21 20:58:28 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[345]: Using JSON directory [/run/readsb] for source data
Sep 21 20:58:28 adsbexchange adsbexchange-stats[345]: Using script’s DNS cache (600 seconds)

Thanks in advance for any insight into this.


I have escalated this to our technical team. Thank you for reporting it.

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That would be a backend Issue so nothing to worry about on your end.

Thanks CommGuy. I forgot to ask, I get this line every time I reboot. Do I need to worry about it?

No valid data source directory found, do you have the adsbexchange feed scripts installed? Tried each of: [/run/readsb /run/adsbexchange-feed]

Does your feeder see aircraft on the local map and does show all Green? If so you should be good.

It sure does. I have green “Feed Ok” on the left box and “Stats Ok” on the right box. I’m also seeing aircraft on my local map. So sounds like I can ignore this message as well.
When I first installed things, the right box said that I needed to run the commands to install the stats program, but then it auto cleared and went green so I got concerned that I missed a step.

Thanks for confirming that all is working as expected CommGuy.


You really need to wait a few minutes or so for everything to sync up before checking the MyIP page or you can see false errors. If you used the feeder image it here is no need to even hook a monitor to the pi it can all be done via web browser.

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