I can not see my receiver position in the ADSB Feeder map (ADSBexchange.com Feeder Coverage). In the “local” tracking map (own ip/tar1090) the position is displayed correct. How can I set this position in the ADSB Feeder map?
If you’re using the ADSBx pi image, there’s an option at http://adsbexchange.local/config/ for whether or not your position marker gets shown on the MLAT map. Of course this depends on MLAT working properly, so check ADSBexchange Anywhere too
I am using the ADSB pi image, but I can not open the http://adsbexchange.local/config/. If I open ADSBexchange Anywhere there some (few) MLAT tracks.
If your client doesn’t support mDNS, replace “adsbexchange.local” with the IP address of your feeder.
That does not work (404 Not Found). I should mention that I am running FR24, Radarbox and PiAware on the same Pi as ADSB Exchange.
Then you’re probably not using the ADSBx Pi image. Check the file /etc/default/adsbexchange
Also confirm that you see MLAT Connected at https://www.adsbexchange.com/myip/
I can not see any MLAT_MARKER setting. But I could see that I have accidentally set the Lat/Lon figures wrong; where and how can I correct this?
I can see that the MLAT is connected in https://www.adsbexchange.com/myip/.
I am very greatful for all the help from you.
Just edit that file, then run sudo systemctl restart 'adsbexchange-*'