peers synchronized with multilateration

Hello, I see that on the MLAT Feeder Map members are synchronized into peers. This is not my case, I have no synchronizations with people, is this a problem?
everything is set correctly (coordinates, altitude,) my data is sent from FlightAware.

If the myIP page says your MLAT is working then it probably means you don’t have great range so your not seeing enough planes that other feeders see to sync, the other issue could be timeout errors, likely caused by using a non official power supply.

Hello, I just checked everything is ok. In Myip
ADSB- Connected!-feed ok MLAT- Connected!- feed ok. Airplane detection is good up to 130 MN and the delay is 0s (Feeder Timeout Penalty: 0s)
the installation of piaware and adsbexchange are in proxmox containers so normally no problem with clock synchronization.
I don’t see where the problem comes from. do you have any other ideas?

Virtualization is not supported and can lead to all kind of weird issues.

ok, this means that peer feeders do not share the data feed, they have it directly with a raspberry pi and an AdsbExchange installation? is this the only way to be a peer feeder?

Feeding other sites (and participating in their MLAT) is generally not an issue (provided sufficient compute resources to handle it), but virtualisation is an issue, as passing a USB device (SDR) through to a VM incurs timing delay, and the arrival time of the signal is critical to the way MLAT functions. It has nothing to do with clock synchronisation (as in NTP).

Ok that means that even being in a LXC container there is latency. I thought that installing piaware in a LXC container instead of a virtual machine would remove this problem.

well I got my Raspberry pi 3 back. I’m going to try to mount my configuration on it and normally I should have a synchronization with peers? I’ll try.

I noticed that the audit when there is less air traffic and therefore I no longer pick up planes nearby I have this message “No clock synchronization with nearby receivers” in the piaware status. Wouldn’t that be my problem? If I increase the quality of my installation. and I pick up planes further away at night, will that solve the problem?

Correct, you can’t sync with other feeders if there are no aircraft around to sync with, refer to the very first response I made to your question.

Hello, I have installed the version of FA for 2 weeks on an RPI so no syncronistic problem of the time, the range
is good (60 miles). Yet I still have no feeder. I don’t understand why? Should we have an official version of Adsbexchange?

If you installed FA your not going to feed ADSB Exchange your going to feed FA… is your goal to feed both?

yes I would like to feed both. I find the statistics on FA are better